Rave Psychology is the deep exploration of how the mind perceives the world. When we're aware, we see what we're here to see and are able to share our wisdom with the correct others. When we're in our shadow, we're tormented by mind noise that keeps us playing small. We don't even recognize the role we came here to play, let alone the light that is quietly shining from within.
Understanding the not-self mind is an integral component of freeing the passenger from trying to control decisions. This custom-designed mind map reviews how your mind reacts to the openness in your chart. It includes many signposts to guide you along the way, including Strategy, Authority, Personality Profile, Perspective, and Motivation. That way, with practice and continuing to de-condition, you can more quickly catch the not-self, give yourself some space, and then follow your Strategy & Authority.
Strategy & Authority alone will reduce resistance in your life, but it isn't a guarantee of awakening. Turning your mind into your ally helps you to free the mind from the burden of trying to control what it's not equipped to do. Instead, it gets to serve as a wonderful gift to the world.
The summary complements a Zoom reading.
Not-self Mind Map
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