Continuing the quote...
"The only natural Sacral lines are horizontal, and the others are just moving through and picking up the energy of it. The hardwiring is the Tribe from 59 to 27.
"The Root does to the Sacral what a Projector does to a Generator, saying let me have some of this for my purposes, not yours. Through the formats, the Root is trying to do this to the Sacral. The Sacral gets depressed.
"Depression is the way in which the Sacral tries to stop you from taking its energy away from its Tribal mundane commitments.
"Everything about our spirituality is about transforming the horizontal into the vertical. If you lie down, you have the Design of a beast. If you stand up, you have the potential to be transcendent."
~Ra Uru Hu
Human Design says that carrying these Format (42/53, 3/60, 9/52) and Tantric (46/29, 2/14, 15/5) activations have a potential of depression because they’re not part of the Tribal circuitry’s lock into daily living. The energy can only be released in right timing as a part of a process: cycle, pulse, or pattern.
Of course, if you need help, get it.
I like the perspective of depression as chemistry moving through us as part of our human experience. It’s certainly not fun, but carrying these activations points to a greater purpose: to expand our consciousness beyond mundane survival. It’s a true spiritual dynamic borne from a conflict of transcending the tribal lock.
We need both, of course. We have to be able to survive day-to-day and to be able to look beyond into something deeper, greater, more meaningful. This is the great purpose that Gate 28 points us toward.
According to Ra, when you’re operating correctly, your Strategy & Authority guides you to a place to put that energy. The “depression” never has a such a firm grip on you.
While I found this information fascinating and loved learning the reasoning behind why we’re taught about the link between Formats and depression, I can’t speak much from personal experience. I carry Gate 52 and with Integration am much more prone to bouts of melancholy rather than depression.
Any depression I’ve faced has been situational (a death or loss, for example), and with Gate 52, it is very focused and concentrated. I really have to learn to deal with it. I don't get a break. For me, the way I view it mentally is the key. This is a big part of why I'm so drawn to metaphysics.
Melancholy for me tends to be about 3 days. I’ve noticed my pattern enough not to identify with it when I’m in it. I get to experience the “creative warmth” Ra talked about and trust that as I move through it, I’ll be expanding into something new on the other side.
If your experience is tougher, what if? What if it was a sign that you are ready to move beyond the banal into something more meaningful? What if you needed this time to be gentler with yourself? What if you trusted your inner guidance to take you where you need to go? What if you let how you feel be ok, even for a moment? What if you let yourself receive the help and support you need?
Louise Hay cites the common mental pattern for depression as being due to a hopeless mindset regarding anger you don’t feel you have a right to have. The healing mantra is: “I now go beyond other people’s fears and limitations. I create my life.”
If we consider this in light of the Sacral in Human Design, it is most certainly stepping outside of the tribe’s grip with what can, especially to Individuals, feel like oppressive rules and regulations. It is opening up to a new way to create the life experience. That can be terrifying and there are no guarantees. You have to take the journey because it’s yours to take, not because you think it will get you something. Going on the journey changes you. The one who started it can’t be the one to finish it. You have to pass through the crucible.
Of course, saying an affirmation 100 times doesn’t necessarily mean your feelings are going to magically change and everything will be perfect. But, the willingness to change, to see things differently, creates a space for the Light to shine through. As you start to open and soften, you allow something new to move through you. You begin to create a new way of seeing things.
It gives you space between habitual patterns of thinking and behaving. The more you practice, the more you breathe and check in with yourself, the wider that gap can become.
I’ve been going through that myself, quite recently in fact. Some big changes are afoot in my life and as much as I knew things needed to shift, I have been terrified I won’t be taken care of during that process. The emotions I haven’t wanted to deal with have been releasing through anxiety. So much energy has been built up that I literally have to let it shake out through me and be patient as I ride that wave. It sucks. I wish I didn’t have to do it. I wish it was easier. But, this is my journey to heal long-buried issues.
So, I’ve used this as an opportunity to release limiting beliefs, to remind myself of how often and beautifully magic has moved in my life, and to accept the discomfort as part of the process. I’m grateful that the anxiety is lessened from the deafening roar it used to be, that I recognize the warning signs much earlier, and that I have a much stronger toolkit to work with. I’m learning to take care of myself in deeper and richer ways.
I read once that grace comes from indifference. It’s easy to feel gracious when everything is going your way. The true test is how you keep your composure when life starts throwing you curveballs. As Abraham Hicks says, Is your goat un-gettable? Your button un-pushable?
I’ve also been intrigued as to how it feels to be going through changes while I’m in my Human Design experiment. As crazy and hyperbolic as Ra could often sound, I have found time and again that he was right. There is a midway point in the first cycle of deconditioning where the mind screams at you but deep inside you don’t react in the same way. It’s that gap I was talking about. I have much more space now. I can hear my mind running around in circles, trying to freak me out. And, I can check in with my body and have a sense of security. It’s trippy. It also tells me that I’ve probably always had that quiet place within and was too caught up in my mental chatter to even begin to fathom that the safety I’ve been longing for was already here.
Always, always, always, what you need is within. Even if you don’t like how it feels or what you have to work with, it’s yours. Things may not be your fault, but you can accept responsibility for how you react to them, for how you view them. Being willing to change, to see things differently—even if you have no idea how—makes all the difference. Spirit/Life/The Universe/God-dess can intercede if you allow it.
You don’t have to do this alone.
I’m walking right beside you,
Jennifer Grace