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The prison of belief

Blindfolded woman surrounded by swords

I had this pretty crazy dream last night. No matter where I went, a police officer or his cronies would arrest me. I hadn’t done anything illegal, but that didn’t seem to stop them. I’d be hauled in, processed, have to post bail…all of it on trumped-up charges. I was spending my energy trying to evade him and feel safe.

Plus, I had a child with me I was trying to protect. She was in his cross-hairs through her proximity to me.

When I confronted him, he wouldn’t take accountability for his abuse of power. He just yelled at me about how I left him. We couldn’t come to resolution because of his overwhelming anger.

My funds were running low from having to post bail so many times. I had figured out this system where the little girl and I could hide when he found us…something that would let us float silently to the ceiling.

It was then that it occurred to me I could contact a lawyer to bring charges for harassment…essentially, that I could find a way to fight back and protect myself and the child. Then, I woke up.

The study of dreams has always fascinated me. I’ve stayed away from lucid dreaming because even though my subconscious can be rough with me, I want to let it be what it is so I can learn from it.

As stressful as this dream felt, I knew it had messages for me. At first glance, it could seem simple: that I’m feeling persecuted and innocence must be protected. I realized, though, that I was the crazy officer as well…hell-bent on justice at all costs.

I recently read Thought Forms by Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbetter. What really grabbed me was the image of avarice, when we’re selfish with our desires and feel like we don’t have enough, we grasp and cling with little hooks (PS, it will show up similarly in your handwriting).

If we truly feel wronged, we can justify it that the other person has to pay, has to be sorry enough. We catapult those hooks with our vengeful desire for “justice.” And maybe, some of them land. Maybe the other person does feel sorry. But, what does it accomplish?

If you think about a hook, hollowness is facing you with a claw to pierce and tear at your intended target. What message are you sending? That you are empty and will only be filled by your pound of flesh?

Like attracts like. If you spend your mental energy in that fashion, what do you fill your aura with? What do you become a magnet for?

Maybe you’re right. Maybe you have been terribly wronged, but is this really the way you want to set about seeking reparation?

Ernest Holmes, the founder of Religious Science—where Louise Hay studied, talked about how we have molds. Yes, all things are possible, but we don’t go beyond our mold without effort. If three people lose their jobs and they’re at differing incomes…one is at $35,000 a year, another at $50,000, and the third at $125,000…they can equally use the Law of Attraction to get another job. Guess at what income levels...that's right: $35,000, $50,000, and $125,000.

These molds apply to everything…our health, our income, our relationships, our intimacy, our satisfaction with work. The shape of the mold is determined by our thoughts. When you work with your beliefs and subconscious patterns, you can expand that mold so you can hold greater and greater quantities.

Between metaphysics readings and working with a new trio of Bach flower essences (Walnut for change, Wild Oat for purpose, and White Chestnut for mental patterns), it’s no surprise that my subconscious gave me a whollop through my dream last night.

I was that crazy officer persecuting someone who had wronged me, I was the woman who couldn’t escape the irrationality, and I was the innocent child being harmed by it all. It wasn’t until I thought of floating above it that I could tap into a solution. As Einstein said, you can’t solve a problem at the same level of consciousness (thinking) that created it.

When I really felt into the idea of what hooks I was sending out, I saw that it came down to fear. I was afraid that I had lost something I would never be able to get back. When I went deeper, I could see that I was trying to control. If I believed in a scarce Universe in which I was only occasionally taken care of, it’s no wonder I would cling to my idea of the past with such tenacity.

But, if I lean into the idea of a mold that I could shape, at how marvelously malleable my subconscious is, I can begin to trust the idea that nothing is ever truly lost. That experience I had that I’m so afraid of losing is already in the past—it’s already gone, and it’s also contained within me. It can’t really be lost because I was marked by it. It’s now a part of me. My template is a new shape because of it.

Fear is an old paradigm that makes you think the past is better than it was and that the future will be better than what the present can be. The point of power is in the present moment—nowhere else. When we cast backward or project forward, we cut ourselves off from the flow of Divine Intelligence. We make ourselves vulnerable to lower thought forms that only know lack and need.

It may feel true in the moment, especially when reality seems to confirm it for you. But, we always have agency. You can choose to move your focus from the image of reality to the idea of Divine Mind. You can choose to align with love over fear.

Reality may not change in the next heartbeat, but you are on the path to creating a different design for yourself. You are giving new shape to your reality, which your subconscious beliefs will work to fill.

Shine on,



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